Reading Assignments

You do not need to purchase a casebook for this class.

You can download a pdf of your fall reading assignments here.

You can download a pdf of your spring reading assignments here.

You can download a pdf of your spring reading supplement here.

Please note that you will need to log in to Brightspace to access this material.

The reading assignments listed below are also available as a Google calendar. You can subscribe to the calendar and receive notifications when I post new reading assignments.

Spring Semester


Jan. 17, 2024

01 - Basic Doctrine

Pgs. 1-21

Jan. 19, 2024

02 - Multiple Defendants

Pgs. 22-30

Jan. 24, 2024

03 - Toxic Harms

Pgs. 31-62

Jan. 26, 2024

Causation Review

Jan. 31, 2024

04 - Proximate Cause

05 - Unexpected Harm

Pgs. 63-73

Feb. 2, 2024

06 - Intervening Causes & Unexpected Victims

Pgs. 74-87

Feb. 7, 2024

07 - Vicarious Liability

Pgs. 88-107

Feb. 9, 2024

Causation Review & Exercises

No reading

Defenses to Negligence

Feb. 14, 2024

08 – Contributory Negligence & Comparative Negligence

Pgs. 108-123

Feb. 16, 2024

09 – Comparative Negligence

Pgs. 124-143

Feb. 21, 2024

10 – Assumption of Risk

Pgs. 144-163

Feb. 23, 2024

Defenses Review and Exercises

No reading

Strict Liability

Feb. 28, 2024

11 – Traditional View

Pgs. 164-174

Mar. 1, 2024

12 – Products liability: Manufacturing Defects

Pgs. 175-183

Mar. 6 & 8, 2024

Spring Break

Mar. 13, 2024

No class due to professor’s conflict

Mar. 15, 2024

13 – Products Liability: Design Defects

Pgs. 184-196

Mar. 20, 2024

14 – Products Liability: Warnings & Defenses

Pgs. 197-214

Mar. 22, 2024

Strict Liability Review and Exercises

No reading

Mar. 27, 2024

15 - Intentional Torts

Pgs. 215-239

Mar. 29, 2024

No class due to school holiday

Apr. 3, 2024

16 – Intentional Torts

Pgs. 240-258

Apr. 5, 2024

No class due to professor’s conflict

Apr. 10, 2024

17 – Defenses

Pgs. 259-281

Apr. 12, 2024

Intentional Torts Review and Exercises

No reading

Alternatives to Tort

Apr. 17, 2024

18 – Insurance

Pgs. 282-309

Apr. 19, 2024

19 - Workers’ Compensation

(supplemental PDF)

Apr. 23, 2024

20 - No Fault and Beyond

(supplemental PDF)

Apr. 25, 2024 (Make-up Class)

21 - No Fault and Beyond

(supplemental PDF)

Apr. 26, 2024 (Make-up Class)

Final Exam Review

No reading

Fall Semester

Aug. 22, 2023

01 - Welcome!

Pgs. 1-22

Please wait until after our first class on Tuesday to read Thursday’s reading assignment.

Aug. 24, 2023

02 - How to Read a Case

Pgs. 23-40

Aug. 29, 2023

03 - Course Overview

Pgs. 41-58

Aug. 31, 2023

No reading.

Sep. 4, 2023

04 - Compensatory Damages

Pgs. 59-87

Sep. 7, 2023

Class rescheduled.

Sep. 12, 2023

05 - Punitive Damages

Pgs. 88 - 110

Sep. 14, 2023

06 - Punitive Damages

Pgs. 110 - 117

Sep. 19, 2023

No reading.

Sep. 21, 2023

07 - Reasonable Care

Pgs. 119 - 134

Sep. 26, 2023

08 - Reasonable Care

Pgs. 135 - 164

Sep. 28, 2023

09 - Roles of Judge & Jury

Pgs. 165 - 174

Oct. 3, 2023

10 - Customs & Statutes

Pgs. 175 - 186

Oct. 5, 2023

11 - Customs & Statutes

Pgs. 187 - 196

Oct. 10, 2023

No class.

Oct. 12, 2023

12 - Economic Theory of Negligence

Pgs. 197 - 210

Oct. 17, 2023

No reading.

Oct. 19, 2023

13 - Res Ipsa Loquitur

Pgs. 211 - 223

Oct. 24, 2023

14 - Res Ipsa Loquitur

Pgs. 224 - 234

Oct. 26, 2023

No reading.

Oct. 31, 2023

15 - No Duty to Rescue or Protect

Pgs. 235 - 246

Nov. 2, 2023

16 - Duties to Third Parties

Pgs. 247 - 262

Nov. 7, 2023

17 - Policy Bases for Invoking No Duty

Pgs. 263 - 274

Nov. 9, 2023

18 - Duties of Landowners and Occupiers

Pgs. 275 - 285

Nov. 14, 2023

No reading.

Nov. 16, 2023

19 - Medical Malpractice

Pgs. 286 - 304

Nov. 21, 2023

20 - Purely Emotional Harm

Pgs. 305 - 325

Nov. 28, 2023 (Makeup Class)


We will be having our makeup class in our normal classroom at our normal time: 8:15am-9:30am on Tuesday, November 28.