How to Read a Case


Hammontree v. Jenner


Before you begin:

  1. Connect with your core values.
  2. Discern your immediate goal.

Why take this preliminary step?

Connecting to core values makes the work easier and more fulfilling.

Discerning a goal allows you to focus your attention on what matters.

There is no escape.

Stress is a very bad, no good motivator.


Reading Hammontree v. Jenner for your 1L Torts Class

Goals when reading a case

  1. Grasp the internal logic and mechanics of the case.
  2. Synthesize within a broader context.

Why read cases?


Contradictions, and


Internal logic and mechanics of a case

  1. Procedural posture
  2. Legal question(s)
  3. Relevant facts
  4. Holding
  5. Reasoning(s) behind the holding

Aside: How to take notes

Internal logic and mechanics of a case

  1. Procedural posture
  2. Legal question(s)
  3. Relevant facts
  4. Holding
  5. Reasoning(s) behind the holding

Oh My God, What is Happening?

I am sure that I’m going to get cold called to explain this and I don’t even know what most of these words mean and how is that whole paragraph just one run-on sentence?

Reasoning behind the holding