Reading Assignments

The casebook for this class is State Constitutional Law (Fourth Edition) by Jeffrey S. Sutton, Stephen R. McAllister, Randy J. Holland & Jeffrey M. Shaman.

The reading assignments are listed below. To allow for this course to be flexible in response to the pace and dynamics of our in-class discussions, reading assignments will be scheduled on a rolling basis. To allow you enough time to read the assigned material, I plan to post reading assignments at least one week in advance of class. Once I have posted a reading assignment for a particular day, I will not change the assignment by adding more reading for that day.

Federal and State Power

Jan. 16, 2024

No reading.

Jan. 18, 2024

Pgs. 1-26

Jan. 23, 2024

Pgs. 33-44, 58-64

State Court Interpretation of State Constitutions

Jan. 25, 2024

Pgs. 77-98

Jan. 30, 2024

Pgs. 98-132

Feb. 1, 2024

No reading.


Feb. 6, 2024

Pgs. 133-153

Feb. 8, 2024

Pgs. 153-175

Due Process

Feb. 13, 2024

Pgs. 251-286

Feb. 15, 2024

Class canceled due to illness.

Feb. 20, 2024

Pgs. 287-333

Feb. 22, 2024

Allegheny Reproductive Health Center v. Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (Pa. 2024) (Wecht, concurrence)

Pgs. 40-71

Criminal Procedure

Feb. 27, 2024

Pgs. 409-437, 443-458

Feb. 29, 2024

March 5 & 7, 2024

Spring Break

March 12, 2024

No class

March 14, 2024

Pgs. 465-475

Before class, please also review the reading from February 27: Pgs. 409-437, 443-458

March 19, 2024

Pgs. 392-405

Property Rights

March 21, 2024

Pgs. 483-508

March 26, 2024

Pgs. 508-533

March 28, 2024

No class

School funding

April 2, 2024

Pgs. 595-627

April 4, 2024

No class

April 9, 2024

Pgs. 627-650

Unique State Rights

April 11, 2024

pgs. 701-727

April 16, 2024

pgs. 748-766

Judicial Power

April 18, 2024

pgs. 865-901

Constitutional Amendment

April 25, 2024 (Make-up class)

pgs. 1027-1045, 1059-1065

April 26, 2024 (Make-up class)
